As businesses continue to struggle with weak management and governance systems, ineffective processes and procedures, technologies and tools prone to failure, and a disgruntled and disengaged Workforce, to name a few of the challenges, these challenges can lead to a lack of control and oversight.
When that happens, the business is more susceptible to operational challenges. Challenges include, increased service disruptions leading to widespread outages where products and services are no longer available to the customer, delays in fulfilling customer requests on time, responding to and resolving customer issues promptly, and a host of other challenges.
What impact does this have on the business? If we go back to the goal of every business, we find that the lack of control and oversight, which can lead to operational challenges, can have a profound impact on the business's ability to generate revenue, maximize profits, and improve the client experience.
Let Us explore the impact in more detail. We can see that these operational challenges can lead to revenue losses, they can lead to negative experiences by the customers resulting in the sales teams inability to sell the products and services, it can cause reputational damage and perception issues when the customers start to complain using their social media, and it can cause customers as well as employees to leave the business and find someplace else that's more stable.