Fortified Change Management Process

July 11, 2023

The Fortified Change Management Process is a process to ensure that any Failed Changes or Changes Implemented with Problems are minimized. The process adds additional rigor to the existing change management process. It ensures that there is a second pair of eyes for all medium/high priority changes, ensures that a weekly cadence call is taking place to review all Med/Hi Priority changes, Post Implementation Reviews are being conducted for any Failed/Implemented with Problems Changes, and a standard fortified change checklist is used to build and review the change ticket.

  1. 2nd Set of eyes required to implement changes
  2. 2nd set of eyes will be required during the building of the change tickets, critical portions or during steps that could be prone to human error during the change.
  3. Fortified change document created to document change.
  4. Create a Dashboard/ScoreCard to send to management on a weekly basis (Mondays) summarizing the number of changes executed and planned for previous and current week, status of changes, review of failed changes, Provide management with a list of changes that potentially pose a risk, and any other issues. For any planned changes for the current week, review the following items:
  5. Impact (Hi/Med/Lo)
  6. Will there be an outage (to service or redundant)? – Impacted owners have been notified?
  7. Duration of outage?
  8. High Level change description – what are we changing and who will it impact?
  9. Who and How the change is being verified and tested – is a client involved (lined up) or just technical testing?
  10. If it is not within the standard change window why not?
  11. If it is expedited, why and has the Service owner signed off on it?
  12. Backout Plan – Is there a backout plan and when do we implement?
  13. Change Coordinator Feedback
  14. Has this change been implemented before and what were the outcomes?
  15. Are there any known issues related to this change that can affect the environment?
  16. Is there anything in the Customer’s environment that can affect this change?
  17. Etc….
  18. Line Management approval on all changes required
  19. 2nd Line approval required for any Hi/Med Change being implemented
  20. Weekly cadence created to review changes
  21. Weekly review
  22. Meetings must be attended by Architect, Change Implementer, and Delivery Manager.
  23. Client meetings must be attended by Architect and Change Implementer
  24. Delivery Manager may delegate to Peer or Upline. No delegation to Team Leader
  25. Change Coordinator to group changes by delivery team and schedule established to speak to teams tickets on Monday change review.
  26. Change Coordinator to chair change management call
  27. Any Failed or Implemented with Problems Change will have a Post Implementation Review done and mailed to the Sr. Management Team.
  28. Every Change must have a ticket associated with it and it must be approved by the Technical Steering Committee. This is an internal review, prior to the CAB meeting with the Customer.

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