The Fortified Change Management Process is a process to ensure that any Failed Changes or Changes Implemented with Problems are minimized. The process adds additional rigor to the existing change management process. It ensures that there is a second pair of eyes for all medium/high priority changes, ensures that a weekly cadence call is taking place to review all Med/Hi Priority changes, Post Implementation Reviews are being conducted for any Failed/Implemented with Problems Changes, and a standard fortified change checklist is used to build and review the change ticket.
- 2nd Set of eyes required to implement changes
- 2nd set of eyes will be required during the building of the change tickets, critical portions or during steps that could be prone to human error during the change.
- Fortified change document created to document change.
- Create a Dashboard/ScoreCard to send to management on a weekly basis (Mondays) summarizing the number of changes executed and planned for previous and current week, status of changes, review of failed changes, Provide management with a list of changes that potentially pose a risk, and any other issues. For any planned changes for the current week, review the following items:
- Impact (Hi/Med/Lo)
- Will there be an outage (to service or redundant)? – Impacted owners have been notified?
- Duration of outage?
- High Level change description – what are we changing and who will it impact?
- Who and How the change is being verified and tested – is a client involved (lined up) or just technical testing?
- If it is not within the standard change window why not?
- If it is expedited, why and has the Service owner signed off on it?
- Backout Plan – Is there a backout plan and when do we implement?
- Change Coordinator Feedback
- Has this change been implemented before and what were the outcomes?
- Are there any known issues related to this change that can affect the environment?
- Is there anything in the Customer’s environment that can affect this change?
- Etc….
- Line Management approval on all changes required
- 2nd Line approval required for any Hi/Med Change being implemented
- Weekly cadence created to review changes
- Weekly review
- Meetings must be attended by Architect, Change Implementer, and Delivery Manager.
- Client meetings must be attended by Architect and Change Implementer
- Delivery Manager may delegate to Peer or Upline. No delegation to Team Leader
- Change Coordinator to group changes by delivery team and schedule established to speak to teams tickets on Monday change review.
- Change Coordinator to chair change management call
- Any Failed or Implemented with Problems Change will have a Post Implementation Review done and mailed to the Sr. Management Team.
- Every Change must have a ticket associated with it and it must be approved by the Technical Steering Committee. This is an internal review, prior to the CAB meeting with the Customer.