Employee Experience Assessment (Sample)

July 11, 2023

A Jñāna Optimized Unified Delivery Model understands that success is dependent on implementing organizational change that not only understands the delicate and important interactions between technology, processes, and people, but realizes the importance of an effective employee engagement & enablement system. A System that strives to better understand how and why the employees are thinking and feeling a certain way, and how those thoughts and feelings are translated into actions or inactions. No matter how new or innovative the technology is,or how many processes have been written, unless the employee behaviours are understood and addressed, the organization will always struggle with implementing change, and risk will always be inherent in the day to day operations. 

How do you identify systems to better engage, enable, and empower employees so that the organization is better positioned to meet its Revenue, Profit, and Customer Satisfaction targets? How do you improve the connectedness of the employees with the organization?

You have to assess with talking to your employees and getting their feedback in regards to what they are thinking and feeling. You have to understanding what their goals and objectives are. You have to understand what their challenges are. And you have to understand how you can help steer them through the difficult change that is facing everyone.

The following sample list shows you how you can start that discussion with your employees.





What is your Name?


How long have you been in your current position?


How long have you been with the organization?


What team do you work for?


What is the Team’s Queue Name?


How many people are on the team?


Please provide details on the Organizational Structure of your team. (Manager, team leader, queue manager, consultants, etc.?)

· How many people are on the team?

· What are their positions?

· Is there an Organization chart?

· How long have you been with the organization?

· What other positions have you had in the organization?

· Which organizations have you worked previously?

· What positions you have held in other organizations?

· Where are you located and how many locations do you work from?

· What would you improve about the organization?


Please provide details on how you receive work for your team. (Email, Fax, Chat, Website, Ticketing Tool).

· If you receive work via an email address, what is the email address?

· If you receive work via a ticketing tool, what is it and what are the queue names for your team in that tool?

· If you receive work via fax, what is the fax number?

· If you receive work via chat, how is the chat configured and used?

· If you received work via a website, what is the website address?


Please provide details on your position? Describe your primary and secondary responsibilities. What do you do every day, every week, every month?

· How many years have you been in your current position?

· What tasks do you work on every day, every week, every month?

· How much time do you spend on each task?

· Who are your Customers? Who are the Internal and External Teams you provide service for?

· How is the relationship with your Customers?

· What is your average volume of work?

· How many hours on average do you work a week?

· How much time of your day is involved in meetings, emails, reporting, administrative items?

· What are the average hours of support for your team?

· Did you receive training about the company, department, and specifics about the job?

· Were you provided with knowledge resources to help you with your job?

· Were you paired with a senior resource to receive support and mentoring from?

· How does the planning, organizing, and scheduling of the work in your department get accomplished?

· How and where do you get your work from? Do you get your work from Maximo, other tools, etc.?

· What are your Top 10 Issues/Types of Work you deal with?

· Suppose your department had to stop doing some of the activities it now does. What should/should not be changed?

· If you had a complaint or issue about something connected with your job, whose attention would you bring it to first?

· Is the team provided with sufficient resources to accomplish their tasks?

· Was your onboarding smooth?

· What would you improve about your position?


What is the scope of your work? How many Servers, Storage, Mainframe, Databases, Applications, User, Business Units, etc. do you support? Please provide a list. Do you have a SOW or DOU to outline your scope of work?

· Do you have a statement of work (SOW) that clearly outlines your scope?

· Is there a RACI matrix defined for all the activities you are involved with?


Please provide details on what is expected of you and the support you are required to provide.

· List all the Hardware/Software/Services you are required to provide support for?

· How often is the supported list validated?

· Is there an assigned resource to maintain it?

· Is the Hardware/Software/ or Services classified into Gold, Silver, Bronze levels of support?

· Is there a map of how all the Hardware/Services/Services or connected to each other?

· How is the support provided? Is it based on specific applications and hardware or is it based on products?

· What would you improve about the way you provide support?


Who are your Customers? Who do you provide service for? Who are the Internal and External Teams?

· Do you know the client you support?

· Do you have an understanding of their organization?

· Do you know the business they are in?

· Do you know who the Client’s customers are?


What are your Top 10 Issues/Types of Work you deal with?

· Do you know the Top 10 issues you deal with?

· Are you provided a report to review the top issues and opportunities to resolve the top issues?


Describe a typical week, by approximate hours. What are some of the main tasks?

· What do you do daily, weekly, etc.?

· How much time is spent in meetings?

· How much time is spent in reports?

· How much non-value add time is spent?


How much time of your day is involved in meetings, email, reporting, and administrative items?

· How much of your time is consumed with non-value add work?


What is your average volume of work?

· How many tickets do you process per day?

· How is the relative to your Colleagues?


What are the average hours of support?

· Is the support provided by your team 7/24? If not, what are the hours of operation?


Where are you located and how many locations are you in?

· Is the support you provide from one location or multiple locations?

· Are there challenges working across different locations/geographies?


Please provide details on whether you had a good sense of what this job entailed before you joined.

· What were you told about the job?

· Was a job description provided?

· How was the interview process?

· What would you improve about the hiring process?

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